...mended wings and a paper heart...

a humble altar in thoughts and text

Friday, February 04, 2005

when it all comes down


You have watched me fail. I know, since you are my Father, that it couldn't have felt good for you, either. I don't know why I have to go through these trials, but I thank you that if you are using them to hold my attention in your direction, that you would be so humble as to let me come to you in this way. You are the most perfect and holy one, and you deserve only the best, yet you allow me to crawl back to you at my wit's end, sometimes (and embarrassingly so) as my last resource (help me never to come to you as that again! I want you to be my first!). What humility you show! As if dying on the cross weren't enough to show your humility, you continue to prove it daily as you bend down from your highest throne to meet me where I am. What a wonderful Savior. What a wonderful love.

So, Lord, I don't know what the next week, the next day, or even the next moment brings, but whatever it brings, I know it is from your hand, and I praise you. You have placed your symphony in my heart and I pray that it will overflow into my words and thoughts and actions. The world around me is constantly changing, and not for the better. It is against me and this love I have inside, but you, my precious Father, you are the same yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever. You will never be less than the most beautiful. You will never be less than full of mercy and grace. You will never be less than passionately in love with me. Thank you, Father, for you will always be my God.


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