...mended wings and a paper heart...

a humble altar in thoughts and text

Sunday, April 18, 2010

looking ahead, looking behind

Journals are a blessing. Looking back at the way things were five and six years ago and seeing God's faithfulness is amazing. I know there's a story in the old testament where the Hebrews take stones from the bottom of the Red Sea as they cross over the dry ground when God parts the waters for their exodus from Egypt. They set up those stones as a rememberence of what he had done, so that they would not forget. A tangible reminder. Proof for their wandering and forgetful hearts. I think my journals are my memory stones, building an altar that can't help but shout out God's faithfulness, justice, longsuffering, and ever-present love in the midst of my fallen and fragile undeserving life. How cool that I have the opportunity, the ability, the resources to keep a journal! And praise God for the eyes to (at least today) see this gift! I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes that has been a bit of a theme in my life lately:

"I did not ask for success; I asked for wonder." -Abraham Joshua Heschel

I love this quote. Sometimes I think I am so fond of it because success isn't something I'm all too familiar with, but most of the time I like it because God has given me such *wonder*-- and I wouldn't trade it for anything! I often find myself marveling at all He has blessed me with, spiritual to material to physical and mental ability to do anything at all, to live life, to enjoy it. I look at the few people He has knitted closely to my heart and I am amazed. They are so beautiful, so intricate, so fearfully made. I see reflections of His goodness everywhere. And in all of my joyful rambling I praise Him that He makes sense of my soul and that my happy thankful ramblings are a sweet sound to His ear.

There are no words for your unending goodness, Lord. Thanks for bearing with me while I stumble about with them anyway, too filled not to overflow with thankfulness! <3


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